Aaniiih Nakoda Ecology
The Aaniiih Nakoda Ecology program is designed to prepare graduates to become effective caretakers and stewards of the place they call home – the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation and the surrounding prairies, river bottoms, and island mountain ranges of northcentral Montana. The program employs classroom, laboratory, and field-based instruction, as well as internship placements and undergraduate research experiences, to focus student learning on the dynamic web of interconnections that exist between the Aaniinen and Nakoda nations and their ancestral homelands. Embedded in the lifeways, histories, and identities of the Aaniinen and Nakoda, the program offers students a culture-, place- and community-based approach to learning eco-logy (from the Greek words oikos-logos), literally understood as “the way of the home place.”
Student outcomes
Understand the ethical, cross-cultural, and historical context as they influence contemporary environmental issues and the links between human and natural systems.
Reflect critically about the roles and identities of indigenous citizens and environmental stewards in their ancestral lands and in connection with the natural world.
Demonstrate an understanding in the field of environmental health that incorporates the conception of
Aaniiih and Nakoda wellness and disease as it relates to public health.
Use appropriate technology, methodology, and Aaniiih and Nakoda epistemologies to investigate and evaluate the various components (e.g., aquatic, geologic, atmospheric, terrestrial, and living) of the natural world.
Articulate the Aaniiih and Nakoda values and indigenous scientific process through the application of traditional ecological knowledge and research.
Understand and demonstrate knowledge of Tribal, State, and Federal regulations.
Practice appropriate cultural etiquette.
Apply the knowledge of major laws and policies and cultural etiquette to contemporary local issues.
Demonstrate analytical skills and the ability to apply quantitative reasoning, traditional ecological knowledge, and appropriate mathematical and statistical methods to analyze scientific data to investigate or explain phenomena in the natural world.
Design and implement a place-based research project addressing community needs or concerns.
Synthesize, communicate, and present research findings to all stakeholders.
Plan of Study
First Year Fall Semester
Class | Name | Credits |
GS 110 | Finding Place | 1 |
ANL 155 or 150 | Aaniiih or Nakoda Language | 3 |
BIOB 101 | Thematic First-Year Seminar (Milk River Watershed) | 3 |
WRIT 101 | College Writing I | 3 |
ANE 101 | Introduction to Aaniiih Nakoda Ecology | 3 |
BIOB 160 | Principles of Living Systems and Lab | 4 |
Second Year Fall Semester
Class | Name | Credits |
WRIT 201 | College Writing II | 3 |
CHMY 141 & L141 | College Chemistry & Lab I | 4 |
GEOL 110&L110 | Physical Geology & Lab I | 4 |
NRS 210 | Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Global Posiitioning Systems (GIS) | 3 |
First Year Second Semester
Class | Name | Credits |
AIS 100 | Introduction to American Indian Studies | 3 |
ENSC 110 & L110 | Environmental Science & Lab | 4 |
HUM 101 or FA | Introduction to Humanities or Fine Arts | 3 |
M 121 | College Algebra | 4 |
Second Year Spring Semester
Class | Name | Credits |
BIOO 120 | Ethnobotany & Traditional Plants | 3 |
STAT 216 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
COMX 111 or 115 | Public Speaking/Interpersonal Communications | 3 |
CHMY 143 & L 143 | Chemistry II & Lab | 4 |
PSYX 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Third Year Fall Semester
Class | Name | Credits |
AIS 235/335 | Federal Indian Law | 3 |
BIOE 270 & L 270/370 | General Ecology and Lab | 4 |
AIS 200/300 | American Indian Philosophy and Religion | 3 |
ANE 305 & L 305 | ʔisítaaʔ/Péda Fire & Lab | 4 |
Third Year Spring Semester
Class | Name | Credits |
ANE 395 | Research Methods on Tribal Lands | 3 |
ANE 380 | Nii tsin ah hiiit/Woksabe (Balance: Ecological Health) | 3 |
STAT 325 | Biostatistics | 3 |
PHIL 301 | Land Ethics | 3 |
ANE 310 & L 310 | Nicʔ/Mní (Water) & Lab | 4 |
Fourth Year Fall Semester
Fourth Year Spring Semester
Class | Name | Credits |
ANE 480 | Internship | 3 |
3XX or 4XX | Program Elective | 3 |
ANE 450 | Land and Water Policy | 3 |
ANE 350 & L 350 | Biiθ otoʔ/Jyahe widá (Little Rocky Mountains/ Fur Cap/Island Mountains) & Lab | 4 |
ANE 315 & L 315 | Biitoʔ/Maká (Earth) & Lab | 4 |
Class | Name | Credits |
3XX or 4XX | Program Elective | 3 |
ANE 405 | Living for the Seven Generations (Sustainability) | 3 |
ANE 499 | Senior Research Project | 3 |
ANE 360 & L 360 | ’Akisiníícááh/Wakpá Juk’án (Milk River/Little River) & Lab | 4 |
ANE 320 & L 320 | Biiθ otoʔ/Jyahe widá (Little Rocky Mountains/ Fur Cap/Island Mountains) & Lab | 4 |
Program Electives
Introduction to Soils (NRS 110) -
Microbiology (BIOM 250) -
Restoration Ecology (NRS 225/425) -
Range Management (NRS 200/300) -
Tribal Government II & Codes (AIS 330) -
Conservation Biology (ANE 470) -
Hydrology of Fort Belknap Reservation Water Resources (ANE 365)